Season 102

Sept. 18, 2020

LOST S2 Fan Favorite ft. Germar Derron

In this special episode we have hilarious guest Germar Derron back on to chat about season 2 frenemies, unsatisfying episodes, subliminal marketing, & so much more! Check out more from Germar Twitter: @ GermarDerron Insta: @ ...
Sept. 14, 2020

LOST S2 Recap S3 Look Ahead

In this episode: We talk about some of our favorite and not so favorite things about season 2 and talk about what kinds of crazy things will happen in season 3. In other news, Agnes gives us one hell of a clusterf*ck theory a...
Sept. 8, 2020

LOST Live Together Die Alone

"I think I crashed your plane." - Desmond David Hume Original episode air date 5/24/06 In this episode: crazy statues, tough parental choices, and more crazy coincidences. In other news, Agnes has more questions than ever and...
Aug. 31, 2020

LOST Three Minutes

"Guess you believe in hell then." - Michael Dawson Original episode air date 5/17/06 Disclaimer: We had a problem with our audio this week and unfortunately we had to choose between releasing with sh*tty audio or rerecording....
Aug. 24, 2020


"Take me to the question mark" - Mr. Eko Original episode air date 5/10/06 In this episode: ride or die questions, unexpected visitors, and another Dharma station. In other news, Lisa says hurry up and schedule your fan favor...
Aug. 17, 2020

LOST Two For the Road

"You tell anyone about this, and I'll kill you." - Ana Lucia Cortez Original episode air date 5/3/06 In this episode: weird in-law relationships, more purgatory talk, and wtf Michael?!? In other news, Agnes sings more and Lis...
Aug. 10, 2020


"I think I liked you better when you just hit people with your stick." - Bernard Nadler Original episode air date 4/12/06 In this episode: comfortable relationships, missed island feels, & what D.O.C. stands for, In other new...
Aug. 3, 2020


"Did either of you see a guy run through here... in a bathrobe... with a coconut?" - Hugo "Hurley" Reyes Original episode air date 4/5/06 In this episode: no fake president or is there?, sex sidebars, and logical hallucinatio...
July 30, 2020

LOST Lockdown

"What'd you do, steal their livers?" - John Locke Original episode air date 3/29/06 In this episode: strange maps, mysterious food drops, and two Henrys In other news, Agnes is still excited about a tweet and Lisa has loud lo...
July 27, 2020

LOST The Whole Truth

"Of course, if I was one of them, these people that you just assume are your enemies, what would I do? There would be no balloon so I would draw them out to a really secluded place, like a cave or some underbrush, a good plac...
July 23, 2020

LOST Maternity Leave

"My baby's sick and they did something to him." - Claire Littleton Original episode air date 3/1/06 In this episode: mommy shaming, vaccinations, and bat sh*t crazy 'others' In other news, Agnes mentions the dreaded "P" word ...
July 20, 2020

LOST One of Them

"My name is Sayid Jarrah and I am a torturer." - Sayid Jarrah Original episode air date 2/15/06 In this episode: doctors vs soldiers, the worst army ever, and the "wizard of Lost". In other news, Agnes wants to randomly watch...
July 16, 2020

LOST The Long Con

"Ain't that just like a woman? She keeps the house, you get the cheap-ass apartment. Man, I thought these people hated me, but I gotta hand it to you... Stealing a baby, trying to drown it, now that's a new low. You even made...
July 13, 2020

LOST Fire + Water

"Kate sees a horse. Nothing. Pretty much everyone's seen Walt wandering around the jungle. But when its Charlie, it must be the bloody drugs, right?" - Charlie Pace Original episode air date 1/26/06 In this episode: baptism, ...
July 9, 2020

LOST The Hunting Party

"Ooh, fifty days? That's, what, almost two whole months. Tell me, you go over a man's house for the first time, do you take off your shoes, d'you put your feet up on his coffee table, d'you walk in the kitchen, eat food that ...
July 6, 2020

LOST The 23rd Psalm

"Yemi, I understand that you live in a world where righteousness and evil seem very far apart, but that is not the real world." - Mr. Eko Original episode air date 1/11/06 The audio in this episode is spotty in some spots so ...
July 2, 2020

LOST What Kate Did

"Can you hear me? Sawyer? Wayne? I'm probably crazy and this doesn't matter, but maybe you're in there somehow. But you asked me a question. You asked me why... why I did it. It wasn't because you drove my father away, or the...
June 29, 2020

LOST Collision

"I was pregnant." - Ana-Lucia Cortez Original episode air date 11/23/05 In this episode: race riots, hot uniforms, 40 year old babies, and Michael finally gets some respect. In other news, Agnes thinks her epiphany is valida...
June 25, 2020

LOST The Other 48 Days

"The kids! They took the kids!" - Libby Original episode air date 11/16/05 In this episode: What a difference 48 days makes in Ana Lucia! Become a Patreon patron for exclusive content and early access to new episodes. Please ...
June 22, 2020

LOST Abandoned

"So, does all this - the tent, flowers - mean that we're serious now?" - Shannon Rutherford Original episode air date 11/9/05 In this episode: Island dates, wicked step moms, and another lostie gone to gun violence. In other ...
June 20, 2020

LOST ...And Found

"I don't think I've ever seen you angry" - Sun Kwon Original episode air date 10/19/05 In this episode: meet-cutes, lost wedding rings, and somehow we ended with size, body shaming, & the joys of gray sweatpants & t*tties Agn...
June 15, 2020

LOST Everybody Hates Hugo

“Let me tell you something, Rose. We were all fine before we had any potato chips. Now we've got these potato chips, everyone's gonna want them. So, Steve gets them, Charlie's pissed, but not pissed at Steve, he's pissed at m...
June 8, 2020

LOST Orientation

"You want your damn thirty dollars back? I want my kidney back!" - John Locke Original episode air date 10/5/05 In this episode: "other" theories, unlikely friends, and more Ana Lucia! Agnes is enjoying season 2 so far. Could...
June 1, 2020

LOST Man of Science, Man of Faith & Adrift

original episode air dates: 9/21/05 & 9/28/05 In this episode we take an extremely deep dive into the episodes with a guest host. We know the episode is long but Alex swears his presence means this is the best yet so we left ...